
– The root of this word comes from the Latin verb discernere , to separate, to distinguish.

– In the OT, in the religious sense, it is the gift given by God to separate good from evil:

Deut 18,21-22 : How can I distinguish the word that does not come from the Lord?

Is 11 :2 : Upon him shall rest the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding.

Jr 15,19-20 : If you separate the precious from what is vile, you will be like my mouth.

Jr 23,16-17 : Do not listen to the prophets who give you vain oracles.

Mq 3,5 : I will come to you to judge your questions and I will be a ready witness against the magicians.

– Or to know how to read the hand of God in events:

1Kings 3:11 : Because you asked me for this, and you didn’t ask for long life, […] but for intelligence to do justice.

Job 28:28 : Then he said to the man: “The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom! Fleeing from evil, that is intelligence”.

Pr 1 : 7 : The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Pr 2,2-6 : Listen carefully to wisdom and incline your heart to understanding.

Pr 9:10 : The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

– In the NT, the word retains the double meaning. Paul warns the Corinthian Christians about the prudent discernment of charisms:

1Cor 12: A respeito dos dons espirituais, irmãos, não quero que vivais na ignorância.

– Os evangelistas detêm-se na falta de discernimento dos fariseus sobre a verdade da doutrina de Jesus, por pedirem-lhe reiteradamente provas de que ele é o Messias:

Mt 9,13: Ide e aprendei o que significam estas palavras: Eu quero a misericórdia e não o sacrifício (Os 6,6).

Mt 11,19: É um comilão e beberrão, amigo dos publicanos e dos devassos. Mas a sabedoria foi justificada por seus filhos.

Mt 12,28.38-39: Mas, se é pelo Espírito de Deus que expulso os demônios, então chegou para vós o Reino de Deus.

Mt 16,1-2: Os fariseus e os saduceus achegaram-se a Jesus para submetê-lo à prova.

Mk 8,11-12 : The Pharisees came and began to dispute with him and asked him for a sign from heaven, to put him to the test.

Lc 7,31-32 : To whom shall I compare the men of this generation? Who do they resemble?

Lc 11,16.29-30 : And, to put him to the test, others asked him for a sign from heaven.

Lc 16,27-31 : If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced either.