Lamb of God

– John the Baptist calls Jesus the Lamb of God, as a symbol of meekness and the innocent sacrificed:

Jn 1:29 : Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

Mt 27:4 : Saying to them: “I have sinned by giving up the blood of a righteous man”.

1 Pet 3:18 : For Christ also died once for our sins, the righteous for the unrighteous.

– The prophets called the Servant of Yahweh (considered the figure of the suffering Christ) the innocent sufferer:

Is 42,1-8 : Behold my Servant whom I support, my chosen one to whom I give all my affection.

Is 53,7-12 : He was mistreated and resigned; he opened not his mouth, like a lamb.

Jr 11,18-19 : Like a meek lamb led to the slaughter, I was ignorant of the machinations plotted against me.

– Also in NT:

Jo 19,33-34 : When they came to Jesus, however, as they saw him already dead, they did not break his legs.

1Cor 5,7 : For you are unleavened bread, because Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed.

Heb 9,12-13 : Not taking with him the blood of rams or bulls, but with his own blood.

1Pt 1,18-19 : The Lamb without blemish and without blemish, the one who was predestined.

Rev 5,6-7 : In the midst of the Elders a Lamb standing, as if slain.

Rev 7,9-10 : They were standing before the throne and before the Lamb.

Rev 12:11 : But these overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and their eloquent testimony.

Revelation 14:1-2 : The Lamb was standing on Mount Zion.

Rev 15 :3 : They sang the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb.

Rev 17:14 : They will make war with the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them, for he is Lord of lords.

Rev 19,7-8 : Let us be glad and exult and give glory to him, because the marriage of the Lamb is near.

Rev 21,9-10 : Come, and I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.

Rev 22,1-2 : A river of living water, shining like rock crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.