What is the teaching on leading humble servants in 3 John 1:1-4?

The book of 3 John is one of the shortest epistles in the New Testament, but it contains valuable teachings on leadership. The passage in 3 John 1:1-4 presents us with an example of leadership based on servanthood and humility, which should be followed by all those who seek to lead within the church.

The author, the apostle John, begins the letter by greeting his friend Gaius and thanking him for his faithfulness in the truth. Then he says a prayer for Gaius, wishing him health and prosperity, even as his soul is also in prosperity. In this brief introduction, we can see that John values ​​Gaius as a leader who is committed to living the truth and that he cares not only for his friend’s physical well-being but also for his spiritual health.

Then John commends Gaius for his hospitality to the brethren, who were passing by preaching the Gospel. He says, “For, brother, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, naturally do the things of the law, they, though not having the law, are a law to themselves. They show the work of the law written in their hearts, testifying together their conscience and their thoughts, whether accusing or defending them” (3 John 1:13-15).

Therefore, John teaches us that leadership should be characterized by humility, service and hospitality. It is necessary to put others first and care for them with love, just as Jay did. This is especially important in the church, where people should feel welcome and cared for, regardless of their social or economic status. A true leader must have a compassionate heart and be concerned for the welfare of his fellow believers.

In summary, 3 John 1:1-4 teaches us that leadership should be based on servanthood, humility, and love for others. The leader must be an example of fidelity to the truth, he must look after the spiritual health of his brethren, and he must be hospitable and welcoming, as Gaius was. By following this example, we can develop leadership that honors God and builds up the church.

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