225. What is the relationship of the sacraments to Christ?

The mysteries of Christ’s life are the foundations of what he would henceforth dispense in the sacraments, through the ministers of his Church.

“What was visible in our Savior has passed over into his mysteries.”(Saint Leo the Great)

Veja este tema no Catecismo

Paragraph 1114

1114. "Adhering to the teaching of the Holy Scriptures, to the apostolic traditions, and to the consensus... of the Fathers," we profess that "the sacraments of the new law were... all instituted by Jesus Christ our Lord."31

Paragraph 1115

1115. Jesus' words and actions during his hidden life and public ministry were already salvific, for they anticipated the power of his Paschal mystery. They announced and prepared what he was going to give the Church when all was accomplished. the mysteries of Christ's life are the foundations of what he would henceforth dispense in the sacraments, through the ministers of his Church, for "what was visible in our Savior has passed over into his mysteries."32

Paragraph 1116

1116. Sacraments are "powers that comes forth" from the Body of Christ,33which is ever-living and life-giving. They are actions of the Holy Spirit at work in his Body, the Church. They are "the masterworks of God" in the new and everlasting covenant.

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What does Titus 2:7-8 teach about the standard of conduct for the church?

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How did a woman’s faith heal her of a hemorrhage, according to Matthew 9:20-22?

What can we learn about the theology of suffering from the story of Job described in Job 1:1-22?