2767. This indivisible gift of the Lord’s words and of the Holy Spirit who gives life to them in the hearts of believers has been received and lived by the Church from the beginning. the first communities prayed the Lord’s Prayer three times a day,18in place of the “Eighteen Benedictions” customary in Jewish piety.
Aprofunde seus conhecimentos
131. What is the saving meaning of the Resurrection?
482. What is required for earthly peace?
4. Is the light of reason alone sufficient to know the mystery of God?
294. Why is the Eucharist a “pledge of future glory”?
216. What is the hope of the new heavens and the new earth?
Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:
What is the role of leaders in the church according to 1 Timothy 3:1-13?
What is the message of redemption present in the book of Abdias, specifically in Abdias 1:17?
What does the Bible teach about the importance of humility and modesty?
How is God’s sovereignty portrayed amidst the chaos in Lamentations 2:8-9?
O que o livro de Cantares nos ensina sobre a beleza da mulher noiva e da mulher madura?