Paragraph 509

509. Mary is truly “Mother of God” since she is the mother of the eternal Son of God made man, who is God himself.

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

63. What is the place of the human person in creation?

595. How is forgiveness possible?

573. Are there objections to prayer?

122. What are the results of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross?

566. What places are conducive to prayer?

308. To whom is the absolution of some sins reserved?

404. What else is required for an authentic human society?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

What is the importance of courage in standing up for the truth, according to the Bible in Philemon 1:8-9?

What is the importance of faith in the Christian life, according to the Bible?

What does the Bible teach about transforming the body?

The Importance of Hope in Lamentations: How Does It Sustain Us Through Adversity (Lamentations 3:25)?

What is the importance of reading and studying God’s law and what example can we find in the story of Ezra?

What are Deuteronomy’s teachings on gratitude to God?

How to experience communion with God?