591. Jesus asked the religious authorities of Jerusalem to believe in him because of the Father’s works which he accomplished.373But such an act of faith must go through a mysterious death to self, for a new “birth from above” under the influence of divine grace.374Such a demand for conversion in the face of so surprising a fulfilment of the promises375allows one to understand the Sanhedrin’s tragic misunderstanding of Jesus: they judged that he deserved the death sentence as a blasphemer.376The members of the Sanhedrin were thus acting at the same time out of “ignorance” and the “hardness” of their “unbelief”.377
Aprofunde seus conhecimentos
270. Who is the minister of Confirmation?
495. What are the goods of conjugal love to which sexuality is ordered?
525. How is one to use the means of social communication?
206. What does it mean to die in Christ Jesus?
473. How does one avoid scandal?
26. Who are the principal witnesses of the obedience of faith in the Sacred Scriptures?
288. What is the meaning of the altar?
Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:
What is the message of redemption present in the book of Abdias, specifically in Abdias 1:17?
What is the relationship between truth and joy mentioned in 2 John 1:4?
What does Nahum 1:9 say about God’s mercy to those who repent?
What is the importance of faith in the healing of blind Bartimaeus, described in Matthew 20:29-34?
What is the meaning of being “blameless” according to the 2 Peter 3:14 passage?
The Fall of Mankind: How Did Adam and Eve’s Disobedience Affect the World? (Genesis 3:1-24)