
– It is the intimate knowledge that one has of one’s own being and of one’s own action, the primordial root of the morality inscribed in our being:

Deut 30:11 : The command I give you today is not above your strength, nor out of your reach.

Ps 50,12-13 : O my God, create in me a pure heart, and renew in me the spirit of steadfastness.

Jr 31,31-34 : I will instill my Law in him; I will engrave it on her heart.

Ez 36,25 : I will pour on you pure waters, which will cleanse you from all your filthiness.

Rom 2:15 : They show that the object of the Law is engraved in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness to them.

Rom 9:1 : I speak the truth in Jesus Christ, I do not lie; my conscience bears me witness by the Holy Spirit.

Rom 13:5 : Therefore, it is necessary to submit, not only out of fear of punishment, but also out of conscience.

1Cor 8,7-8 : They eat meat as sacrificed to an idol; and your conscience, because it is weak, is stained.

1Cor 10,25-26 : Eat whatever is sold in the butcher’s shop, without asking about anything for conscience’ sake.

2Cor 1,12 : The witness of our conscience that […] we have acted in holiness.

1Tm 1,5.19 : With faithfulness and good conscience, which some have despised and made shipwreck in the faith.

1Tm 4,2 : Of hypocrites and impostors who, branded in their own conscience with the brand of infamy.

2Tm 1,3 : I thank God, whom I serve with purity of conscience, as I learned from my parents.

Heb 13:18 : We are confident that we have a clear conscience, since we are determined to seek the good in everything.

1Pt 3:16 : Have a right conscience […] let those who discredit your holy conduct in Christ be put to shame.

– Indicates the good to be done and the evil to be avoided:

Rom 13:5 : It is necessary to submit, not only out of fear of punishment, but also out of conscience.

1Cor 8,10 : Will he not feel, through weakness of conscience, also authorized to eat sacrificed to idols?

1Cor 10:25 : Eat whatever is sold in the butcher’s shop, asking nothing for conscience’ sake.

1Pt 2:19 : It is pleasing to God to suffer setbacks and to suffer unjustly for conscience’ sake.

– Approves of things well done and disapproves of evil done:

Wis 17:10 : For wickedness, condemned by its own testimony, is fearful, and, under the burden of conscience.

Rm 2,15 : The object of the Law is engraved in their hearts, their conscience bears witness to them.

1Tm 1,19 : With fidelity and a good conscience, which some have despised and made shipwreck of the faith.

1Pt 3:16 : Have a right conscience […] let those who discredit your holy conduct in Christ be put to shame.

– The conscience of others must be taken into account, avoiding scandalizing others:

Rom 14 : The object of the Law is engraved in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness to them.

1Cor 8,7-13 : By sinning against the brethren and wounding their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.

1Cor 10,23-33 : Why would my freedom be regulated by someone else’s conscience?

– Can be good:

Job 27,6 : I hold fast my righteousness, I will not abandon it; my conscience does not accuse any of my days.

Pr 28 :1 : The wicked flees when no one pursues him, but the righteous feels safe as a lion.

Eclo 24,1-2 : Wisdom makes her own praise, honors herself in God, boasts in the midst of her people.

Eclo 25,8 : Consummate experience is the crown of the elders; the fear of God is his glory.

2Cor 1,12 : Our awareness that, in the world and particularly among you, we have acted with holiness.

1Tm 1,19 : With fidelity and a good conscience, which some have despised and made shipwreck of the faith.

– Or bad:

Leviticus 26:36 : I will put terror into their hearts in the land of their enemies.

Deut 28,65-66 : The Lord will give you there an agitated heart, languid eyes and a faint soul.

1Mc 6,10-11 : What affliction did I fall into and what desolation have I been reduced to the present!

Job 4,17.19 : Can man be righteous in the presence of God, can mortal be pure before his Creator?

Job 15,14-15.21 : I will not dare to raise my head, fed up with shame and aware of my misery.

Ps 51,5 : You prefer evil to good, lies to loyalty.

Pr 28 :1 : The wicked flees when no one pursues him, but the righteous feels safe as a lion.

Wis 17,9 : The passage of animals and the hiss of serpents drove them out of their minds.

Is 59,12 : We are aware of our crimes, and we know our iniquities.

Ez 6,9 : They will come to their senses, disgusted with their abominable practices.

Dn 5.6 : Changed color; gloomy thoughts assailed him.

Rom 2,9.15 : Tribulation and anguish will come to everyone who does evil.

Tit 1:15 : For the corrupt and unbelievers nothing is pure: even their mind and conscience are corrupted.

Heb 10:22 : Let us draw near to him with a sincere heart, with full firmness of faith.