
– It comes from the Latin im pius (not pious) and means one who has no mercy, heartless, inhuman and, by extension, who does not respect the gods, sacrilegious.

– The behavior of the wicked, of the foolish is described in the Bible:

Ps 13 : 1 : The fool says in his heart: “There is no God”. Men have corrupted themselves, their conduct is abominable.

Ps 38,2-3 : I will put a bridle on my lips, while the wicked is before me.

Wis 2-5 : They say, in effect, in their false reasoning: “Short is our life, and full of sorrow”.

Eclo 21,9-31 : He who builds his house at the expense of others is like one who piles up stones to (build) in winter.

Eclo 41,5-11 : Do not fear the sentence of death; remember those who were before you, and all those who will come after you.

– In the NT, Jesus recommends vigilance to fools:

Mt 25,1-12 : Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten virgins who went out with their lamps to meet the bridegroom.

Lk 12:20 : God, however, said to him: “You fool! On this night they will still demand your soul from you.”