The Call and Commission of Moses: How did God call Moses to lead his people and what does this teach us about the Christian vocation? (Exodus 3-4)

The story of Moses’ call is one of the best known in the Bible and teaches us much about how God calls and commissions people for His work. Moses was chosen by God to lead his people, the people of Israel, out of bondage in Egypt and into the promised land. The account begins in Exodus 3, when Moses encounters the burning bush and hears the voice of God.

God reveals himself to Moses as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and reveals his plan to deliver his people from slavery in Egypt. Moses responds with fear and insecurity, feeling inadequate to the task God has given him. But God assures Moses that He will be with him and guide him all the way.

God commissions Moses to go to Pharaoh and ask him to release the people of Israel. Moses, however, tries to wriggle out of the commission on the grounds that he is not eloquent and that no one will listen to him. God responds by saying that He will give Moses the right words to speak and that He will be with Moses, helping him through everything.

The call of Moses teaches us that God calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things. He doesn’t care about our social position, education, skills or status, but He chooses us for His own purpose and equips us for the work He has for us.

Moses’ call also teaches us about the importance of obedience and trust in God. Moses hesitated and resisted, but God was patient and guided him step by step. When we obey God and trust in His guidance, He takes us places we never imagined.

Moses’ commission also illustrates how God desires His work to be accomplished through human cooperation. God could have delivered His people alone, but He chose Moses to lead them. He doesn’t need us, but He invites us to participate in His plan and work on earth.

In short, the story of Moses’ call and commission teaches us much about the Christian vocation. God calls us to his work and equips us for it. We must rely on his guidance and obey his will. And above all, we must cooperate with Him in His plan for the world.

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