Micah is one of the Old Testament prophetic books of the Bible and contains a powerful message of judgment and hope. In chapter 2, verses 12 and 13, Micah prophesies the promise of salvation and redemption amid the judgment that will come upon the people of Judah.
In verse 12, God promises, “I will surely gather them all, O Jacob, yet I will make a remnant of what is destroyed; of your exiles I will bring together those who are scattered, and upon them I will make my anger prosper.”
This promise to gather a remnant of the destroyed refers to the judgment that would come upon the people of Judah because of their disobedience and unfaithfulness to God. Many would be exiled, but God promises to gather them again and make his wrath a force of prosperity for them.
In verse 13, God goes on to promise restoration: “And he who breaks through before them shall go up, and they shall break through, and go in through the gate, and out through it; and their king shall pass over before them, and the Lord before them.”
This imagery of “making a way before them” and “breaking through” suggests that God will facilitate the restoration of his people, even if it seems impossible. And the fact that the “King shall pass before them” and the “Lord before them” indicates that God will lead the way for his restored people.
This promise of salvation and redemption in the midst of judgment is a message of hope for all who are faithful to God. Although they may face difficulties and suffering in their lives, they can be assured that God will bring them together again and lead them to restoration.
This message from Micah remains relevant today. When we face difficulties and suffering in our lives, we can trust the promise that God will bring us back together and lead us into restoration. And just like the people of Judah, we must repent of our disobedience and unfaithfulness to God and seek to live according to his commandments.
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