What is the role of divine providence in the lives of the faithful? Can we find examples of this in the book of Tobias?

Divine providence is one of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity and refers to the belief that God is present and active in the world, governing everything according to his will and purpose. The Bible is full of examples of how divine providence is seen at work in the lives of believers, and a notable example can be found in the book of Tobias.

Tobias was a godly and righteous man who lived in Nineveh during the Babylonian exile. He was going through difficult times, including losing his eyesight and marrying a woman cursed by seven demons. However, he remained faithful to God and continued to live his life according to the law of Moses.

Divine providence is seen at work in Tobias’ life in several ways. First, when Tobias decides to send his son, Tobias Jr., on a journey to recover a large sum of money that has been entrusted to a distant relative, he doesn’t know that God has provided a companion for him on his way. This companion was actually the angel Raphael in disguise, sent by God to help Tobias in his mission.

Furthermore, when Tobias and Rafael arrive at the distant relative’s house, they discover that he had been killed. At this moment, divine providence once again intervenes, with Raphael helping Tobias to use the fish he had caught during the journey to cure his father, Tobit’s blindness. This healing was a divine miracle that showed God’s care for Tobias’s family.

Finally, divine providence is seen when Tobias marries Sarah, a woman who had been cursed by seven demons. Although the curse was lifted, Sara was still seen as a cursed woman and therefore a risk to Tobias’ life. However, God once again intervenes and uses Raphael to help Tobias overcome the obstacles and bring Sara safely home.

The book of Tobias is a powerful example of how divine providence can be present and active in our lives, even in difficult times. When we remain faithful to God, he is there to guide and protect us, providing what we need to face life’s challenges.

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