34. What are the most ancient symbols (professions) of faith?

The most ancient symbols of faith are thebaptismalcreeds. Because Baptism is conferred “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew28:19), the truths of faith professed at Baptism are articulated in reference to the three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity.

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Paragraph 189

189. The first "profession of faith" is made during Baptism. the symbol of faith is first and foremost the baptismal creed. Since Baptism is given "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit", The truths of faith professed during Baptism are articulated in terms of their reference to the three persons of the Holy Trinity.

Paragraph 190

190. and so the Creed is divided into three parts: "the first part speaks of the first divine Person and the wonderful work of creation; the next speaks of the second divine Person and the mystery of his redemption of men; the final part speaks of the third divine Person, the origin and source of our sanctification." These are "the three chapters of our [baptismal] seal".

Paragraph 191

191. "These three parts are distinct although connected with one another. According to a comparison often used by the Fathers, we call them articles. Indeed, just as in our bodily members there are certain articulations which distinguish and separate them, so too in this profession of faith, the name "articles" has justly and rightly been given to the truths we must believe particularly and distinctly." In accordance with an ancient tradition, already attested to by St. Ambrose, it is also customary to reckon the articles of the Creed as twelve, thus symbolizing the fullness of the apostolic faith by the number of the apostles.

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