549. How does the Holy Spirit intervene in the Church’s prayer?

The Holy Spirit, the interior Master of Christian prayer, forms the Church in the life of prayer and allows her to enter ever more deeply into contemplation of and union with the unfathomable mystery of Christ. The forms of prayer expressed in the apostolic and canonical writings remain normative for Christian prayer.

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Paragraph 2623

2623. On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of the Promise was poured out on the disciples, gathered "together in one place."92While awaiting the Spirit, "all these with one accord devoted themselves to prayer."93The Spirit who teaches the Church and recalls for her everything that Jesus said94was also to form her in the life of prayer.

Paragraph 2625

2625. In the first place these are prayers that the faithful hear and read in the Scriptures, but also that they make their own - especially those of the Psalms, in view of their fulfillment in Christ.96The Holy Spirit, who thus keeps the memory of Christ alive in his Church at prayer, also leads her toward the fullness of truth and inspires new formulations expressing the unfathomable mystery of Christ at work in his Church's life, sacraments, and mission. These formulations are developed in the great liturgical and spiritual traditions. the forms of prayer revealed in the apostolic and canonical Scriptures remain normative for Christian prayer.

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