Paragraph 137

137. Interpretation of the inspired Scripture must be attentive above all to what God wants to reveal through the sacred authors for our salvation. What comes from the Spirit is not fully “understood except by the Spirit’s action’ (cf. Origen, Hom. in Ex. 4, 5: PG 12, 320).

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

559. In the Church are there different ways of praying?

137. Why are the missions of the Son and the Holy Spirit inseparable?

553. What are the different forms of the prayer of petition?

256. In what does the essential rite of Baptism consist?

438. What importance does the Church give to the Decalogue?

71. What relationship has God established between man and woman?

522. How does one bear witness to the truth?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

How can faith influence Christian behavior according to 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12?

What is the importance of gratitude and contentment according to the book of Ecclesiastes?

What is the New Earth mentioned in Revelation 21:1 and what is its importance in the Christian faith?

The Importance of Hope in Lamentations: How Does It Sustain Us Through Adversity (Lamentations 3:25)?

God’s chosen people: What does the book of Leviticus teach us about the choice and holiness of God’s people? (Leviticus 20:26)

What did Jesus teach about loving your neighbor? (Matthew 22:39)

What is the importance of faith in the Christian life, according to the Bible?