1 Peter 4:1-6 is a biblical passage that emphasizes the importance of choosing godliness over the flesh. Peter begins the text by exhorting Christians to repent and change their way of life, abandoning the sins that previously dominated them. He warns that time is short and that Jesus will return soon to judge the living and the dead.
Then Peter talks about the choice Christians must make regarding their way of life. He asserts that those who decide to follow Christ must be willing to suffer as he did, and that this means giving up the desires of the flesh. In other words, choosing godliness over the flesh means choosing a holy and righteous life rather than yielding to the temptations and pleasures of the world.
Peter also mentions that those who choose godliness will face criticism and persecution from those who are still bound by the desires of the flesh. But he emphasizes that these people will be judged by God and that they must be ready to account for their choices.
Choosing godliness over the flesh is a daily choice Christians must make. It means resisting the temptations of sin and choosing to live according to the teachings of Christ. As stated in Romans 8:13, “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live”.
The apostle Paul also talks about this choice in Galatians 5:16, saying, “I say to you, Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” That is, those who choose to live according to the Spirit will not be dominated by the desires of the flesh.
In short, choosing godliness over the flesh means choosing a holy and righteous life rather than yielding to the temptations and pleasures of the world. It is a daily choice Christians must make to follow Christ’s teachings and be in communion with God.
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