Paragraph 218

218. In the course of its history, Israel was able to discover that God had only one reason to reveal himself to them, a single motive for choosing them from among all peoples as his special possession: his sheer gratuitous love. and thanks to the prophets Israel understood that it was again out of love that God never stopped saving them and pardoning their unfaithfulness and sins.

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

358. What is the root of human dignity?

281. In what way does the Church participate in the eucharistic sacrifice?

504. Under what conditions does the right to private property exist?

556. What is the prayer of praise?

158. Why is the Church called the “Bride of Christ”?

301. What forms does penance take in the Christian life?

228. What is the relationship between the sacraments and faith?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

How does the story of Judith, in particular, the episode of her cunning in Judith 11:1-16, teach us survival strategies in difficult times, according to the Bible?

How to deal with conflicts and disagreements between brothers: the example of Joseph’s children (Joshua 17-19)?

Saul’s Character and the Consequences of His Choices: A Case Study in Leadership (1 Samuel 9-15)

What is the alliance with the Romans and the continuation of the struggle for independence mentioned in 2 Maccabees 11:1-38?

How the Annunciation Story Can Inspire Us to Trust God (Luke 1:26-38)

What is the relationship between love and obedience according to the Bible?

David’s old age and death: the end of a life of ups and downs (2 Samuel 23, 24)