Paragraph 224

224. It means living in thanksgiving: if God is the only One, everything we are and have comes from him: “What have you that you did not receive?” “What shall I render to the LORD for all his bounty to me?”

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

55. What is divine providence?

104. What does the hidden life of Jesus in Nazareth teach us?

525. How is one to use the means of social communication?

405. What is the foundation of the authority of society?

588. What does “Hallowed be thy Name” mean?

539. What is the role of prayer in the mission of the prophets?

279. What are the essential and necessary elements for celebrating the Eucharist?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

How does Lamentations address the issue of human suffering?

Jacob’s Wrestle with God: What is the significance of this story for us today?

What does the Bible say about God’s judgment and justice?

How did a woman’s faith heal her of a hemorrhage, according to Matthew 9:20-22?

How is the humility and grace of God manifested in the Christian’s life, according to Psalm 138:6-7?

What is the message of Nahum 1:7-8 about God’s faithfulness in the midst of chaos?

What is the cyclicality of Israel’s history and how is it portrayed in Judges 3-16?