Paragraph 309

309. If God the Father almighty, the Creator of the ordered and good world, cares for all his creatures, why does evil exist? To this question, as pressing as it is unavoidable and as painful as it is mysterious, no quick answer will suffice. Only Christian faith as a whole constitutes the answer to this question: the goodness of creation, the drama of sin and the patient love of God who comes to meet man by his covenants, the redemptive Incarnation of his Son, his gift of the Spirit, his gathering of the Church, the power of the sacraments and his call to a blessed life to which free creatures are invited to consent in advance, but from which, by a terrible mystery, they can also turn away in advance. There is not a single aspect of the Christian message that is not in part an answer to the question of evil.

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

243. What is the Liturgy of the Hours?

345. What is required when one of the spouses is not a Catholic?

288. What is the meaning of the altar?

244. Does the Church need places in order to celebrate the liturgy?

432. What are the precepts of the Church?

151. In what way is the Church a mystery?

576. Is it possible to pray always?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

What is the Battle of the Valley of Jehoshaphat mentioned in the book of Joel and what is its significance?

How did Solomon become the wisest king who ever lived? An analysis of 1 Kings 3.

What does Titus 2:7-8 teach about the standard of conduct for the church?

The Call and Commission of Moses: How did God call Moses to lead his people and what does this teach us about the Christian vocation? (Exodus 3-4)

What is the example of perseverance in the faith that Paul set in 2 Timothy 4:7?

What does the Bible say about idolatry and what is its impact on the lives of God’s people, according to Hosea 4:12-13?

How can wisdom protect us from evil, as revealed in Wisdom 7:28-29?