Paragraph 407

407. The doctrine of original sin, closely connected with that of redemption by Christ, provides lucid discernment of man’s situation and activity in the world. By our first parents’ sin, the devil has acquired a certain domination over man, even though man remains free. Original sin entails “captivity under the power of him who thenceforth had the power of death, that is, the devil”. Ignorance of the fact that man has a wounded nature inclined to evil gives rise to serious errors in the areas of education, politics, social action and morals.

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

332. Who can confer this sacrament?

33. What are the symbols of faith?

254. Who brought to fulfillment those prefigurations?

459. What are the duties of children toward their parents?

247. Why is the one Mystery of Christ celebrated by the Church according to various liturgical traditions?

475. When are scientific, medical, or psychological experiments on human individuals or groups morally legitimate?

264. What is the meaning of the Christian name received at Baptism?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

What is the importance of faith in the Christian life, according to the Bible?

What is the role of divine providence in the lives of the faithful? Can we find examples of this in the book of Tobias?

What does Hosea 7:14-16 reveal about God’s judgment against hypocrisy?

What is the message of Proverbs 6:6-11 about laziness and hard work?

What does 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 teach us about generosity and prosperity?

What is the divine nature of Jesus Christ, as described in Mark 1:1?

What is meant by the statement that the love of God is revealed in Christ, as mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:9?