– Dad, Father. A loving and familiar name used by Jesus when he begged God to hear his prayer in Gethsemane: Mc 14.36 : Abba! (Father!), he pleaded. Everything is possible for you; take this cup away from me! – Denomination given to God by Paul, Apostle, to the Christians of Rome and Galatia, regarding…
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– Great depth in the earth, where the immense waters of the sea and sources in general would be contained: Gen 1:2 : The earth was without form and void; darkness covered the abyss. Gen 7:11 : In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life […] all the fountains of the great deep burst up….
– Ritualistic washing of hands and feet that Jews performed in certain situations, suggesting purification: Sl 50,4-9 : Completely wash away my fault […]. Wash me and I will become whiter than snow. Ez 36,25 : I will pour on you pure waters, which will cleanse you from all your filthiness. Zec 13,1 : A…
– Examples of this virtue, already recorded in the AT, are more frequent in the NT: Gen 12 :1 : The Lord said to Abram: “Leave your country, your family and your father’s house and go to the land that I will show you”. Gen 22:2 : God said: “Take […] your only son whom…
– Term used in the NT to designate the ruin of Jerusalem: Mt 24:15 : When you see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. Mk 13,1-23 : Do you see this great building? Not a stone will be left upon a stone that will not be demolished. Lc 21,5-24 : Days will…
– The main patriarch of the people of Israel has his name changed from Abram to Abraham , by Yahweh, because he would not only be the father of the chosen people, but of all humanity: Gen 17:5 : From now on, your name will no longer be called Abram, but Abraham. – His story…
– The name of the first man has to do with the dust from which he was taken by God. In Hebrew, “that which comes from clay” is called adam (adam): Gen 2:7 : So the Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth. Gen 3:19 : In the sweat of your face…
– In Lv 19,26.31 and 20,6.27 there are specific prohibitions on divination, magic and superstitions: Leviticus 19:26 , 31 : Do not practice divination or magic. […] Do not go to necromancers or diviners. Lev 20,6.27 : If anyone goes to necromancers or soothsayers […] I will set my face against that man and cut…
– The practice of human adoption is already shown in Exodus and in Esther. In other passages it says that God adopts and welcomes Israel as a son: Ex 2,10 : The boy grew up, she took him to the pharaoh’s daughter, who adopted him as her son and named him Moses. Est 2,7 :…
– In Deuteronomy is the summary of God’s constant struggle with Israel so that they worship only him and not the idols of the surrounding peoples: Deuteronomy 6:13 : You shall fear the Lord your God, he shall serve your worship, and only by his name shall you swear. Ex 20,4-6 : You shall not…