
– Included in the Decalogue, it is also addressed in other OT books and condemned in the NT: Ex 20,14 : You shall not commit adultery. Leviticus 18:20 : Thou shalt not sleep with thy neighbor’s wife, defiling thyself with her. Leviticus 20:10 : If a man commits adultery with a married woman. Num 5,12-30…


– It is used in the plural to indicate life, being soon separated, according to the Semitic mentality, into superior waters (rain) and inferior waters (sea): Gen 1 :6 : God said: “Let a expanse be made between the waters, and separate it one from the other”. – Examples of water in the proper sense…


– Both in the AT and in the NT, the authors of the various writings affirm that joy, like all other gifts, is freely given by God. But we must ask for it by prayer: Ps 30:11 : Indeed, my life is consumed in bitterness. Ps 44 :8: Therefore the Lord your God has anointed…


– In the Bible, it indicates God’s initiative to make a covenant with individuals or with the chosen people. It is quite common to call the Old Testament the covenant of Yahweh with the Hebrew people, and the New Testament the covenant renewed by God with his adopted children through the sacrifice of his Only…


– Immaterial and independent part of people that subsists after death. It has several meanings. – Indicates vitality, life, the vital principle: Gen 2:7 : So the Lord God formed man from the clay of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Ex 1,5 : All the people who came out…


– Originates from the Latin altus , elevated. In antiquity, sacrifices were offered preferably on top of the mountains, where it was believed to be closer to the deities. To pray, one went up to a mountain. This custom was still in force in the time of Jesus: Gen 8:20 : And Noah built an…


– It comes from the Hebrew amen (so be it), from the Latin amen , with the meaning of consent, approval, consent. – Then in the OT this word is used to indicate that the people agreed with what they had heard: Ne 5,13 : To which the whole assembly replied: “Amen” praising the Lord….


– Coming from the Latin amicus , which means favorite, confidant, protector, ally, this word maintains this meaning in several books of the Bible. This is how we see it in the AT, and in the NT (in which Jesus defines what friendship is!): Exodus 33:11 : The Lord talked with Moses face to face,…


– The love of God is manifested by his multiple interventions in creation: Gen 1ff: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Job 38 : Then, out of the bosom of the storm, the Lord gave Job this answer. – And in the history of Israel: Deut 4:37 : Because he loved…


– The word animal in Latin comes from anima , soul, and means everything that has life. – It is placed in the Bible many times in opposition to man : Gen 1,26-28 : Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves…