
– This word, whose meaning is exit, has a very deep emotional meaning for Jews. For them, it is deliverance from bondage in Egypt:

Is 40,1-11 : Like a shepherd, he will feed his flock, gather the scattered animals.

Is 43,19 : For, behold, I am going to do a new work, which is already emerging: do you not see it? I will open a path through the desert.

Jr 16,14-15 : Long live God, who brought the Israelites out of Egypt! […] Long live God, who brought back the Israelites.

Jer 23,7-8 : Long live God, who brought the Israelites back from the north and from all the lands, where he had exiled them, bringing them to the homeland.

– The return from Babylon in 538 a. C. is also described as a new exodus because it has the same characteristics:

Jr 16,14-15 : Long live God, who brought the Israelites out of Egypt! […] Long live God, who brought back the Israelites.

Jer 23,7-8 : Long live God, who brought the Israelites back from the north and from all the lands, where he had exiled them, bringing them to the homeland.

– The new Easter of Jesus, foreshadowed in the Transfiguration, is the beginning of the new journey of the People of God in search of the definitive homeland:

Luke 9:31 : Who appeared in glory, and spoke of his death, which he was about to accomplish in Jerusalem.

Revelation 15:1-7 : All nations will come and bow down before you, because the righteousness of your judgments has become manifest.