112. What is the importance of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus?

The Paschal Mystery of Jesus, which comprises his passion, death, resurrection, and glorification, stands at the center of the Christian faith because God’s saving plan was accomplished once for all by the redemptive death of his Son Jesus Christ.

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Paragraph 571

571. The Paschal mystery of Christ's cross and Resurrection stands at the centre of the Good News that the apostles, and the Church following them, are to proclaim to the world. God's saving plan was accomplished "once for all"313by the redemptive death of his Son Jesus Christ.

Paragraph 572

572. The Church remains faithful to the interpretation of "all the Scriptures" that Jesus gave both before and after his Passover: "Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?"314Jesus' sufferings took their historical, concrete form from the fact that he was "rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes", who handed "him to the Gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified".315

Paragraph 573

573. Faith can therefore try to examine the circumstances of Jesus' death, faithfully handed on by the Gospels316and illuminated by other historical sources, the better to understand the meaning of the Redemption.

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