108. Still, the Christian faith is not a “religion of the book”. Christianity is the religion of the “Word” of God, “not a written and mute word, but incarnate and living”.73If the Scriptures are not to remain a dead letter, Christ, the eternal Word of the living God, must, through the Holy Spirit, “open (our) minds to understand the Scriptures.”
Aprofunde seus conhecimentos
167. Is the particular Church catholic?
162. Where does the one Church of Christ subsist?
104. What does the hidden life of Jesus in Nazareth teach us?
11. Why and in what way is divine revelation transmitted?
293. When is it possible to give Holy Communion to other Christians?
142. What is the work of the Spirit in Mary?
Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:
What does the Bible teach us about wisdom as a gift from God?
Who was Hezekiah in the Bible and how does his story teach us about the importance of trusting God?
What is the relationship between love and obedience according to the Bible?
The Beatitudes: Understanding Their Meaning and Importance (Matthew 5:3-11)
How did Nehemiah deal with the division between rich and poor Jews in Nehemiah 5?
O que o livro de Cantares nos ensina sobre a beleza da mulher noiva e da mulher madura?