Paragraph 1083

1083. The dual dimension of the Christian liturgy as a response of faith and love to the spiritual blessings the Father bestows on us is thus evident. On the one hand, the Church, united with her Lord and “in the Holy Spirit,”5blesses the Father “for his inexpressible gift6in her adoration, praise, and thanksgiving. On the other hand, until the consummation of God’s plan, the Church never ceases to present to the Father the offering of his own gifts and to beg him to send the Holy Spirit upon that offering, upon herself, upon the faithful, and upon the whole world, so that through communion in the death and resurrection of Christ the Priest, and by the power of the Spirit, these divine blessings will bring forth the fruits of life “to the praise of his glorious grace.”7

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

165. In what way is the Church holy?

200. How are sins remitted?

59. What did God create?

371. Are the passions morally good or bad?

469. What kind of punishment may be imposed?

540. What is the importance of the Psalms in prayer?

45. Can the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity be known by the light of human reason alone?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

The Woman and the Dragon: The Struggle Between Good and Evil (Revelation 12:1-17)

What does 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 teach us about generosity and prosperity?

What does the Bible teach about the importance of humility and modesty?

What is the image of God as shepherd in Ezekiel 34?

What was David’s attitude toward Mephibosheth, and what can we learn from this story?

How can Ruth’s story, from widow to wife, inspire us to trust God and seek a fresh start in our lives?

The Holiness of the Priesthood: How does the law of priestly holiness in the book of Numbers teach us about the importance of purity and dedication in the worship of God? (Numbers 18:1-7)