1910. Each human community possesses a common good which permits it to be recognized as such; it is in the political community that its most complete realization is found. It is the role of the state to defend and promote the common good of civil society, its citizens, and intermediate bodies.
Aprofunde seus conhecimentos
337. What is the plan of God regarding man and woman?
357. How is the Christian moral life bound up with faith and the sacraments?
128. Why is the Resurrection at the same time a transcendent occurrence?
326. What is the effect of episcopal ordination?
480. What does the Lord ask of every person in regard to peace?
126. What place does the Resurrection of Christ occupy in our faith?
Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:
What is the significance of Christ being the Head of Creation, as mentioned in Colossians 1:15-17?
What is the importance of holiness in our Christian life according to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20?
Understanding God’s sovereignty through the Psalms (Psalm 33:6-9)
What lessons can we learn from Haman’s fall in Esther 7:7-8?
The Woman and the Dragon: The Struggle Between Good and Evil (Revelation 12:1-17)
How important is the supremacy of Christ according to Colossians 1:15-20?