Paragraph 214

214. God, “HE WHO IS”, revealed himself to Israel as the one “abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness”. These two terms express summarily the riches of the divine name. In all his works God displays, not only his kindness, goodness, grace and steadfast love, but also his trustworthiness, constancy, faithfulness and truth. “I give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness.” He is the Truth, for “God is light and in him there is no darkness”; “God is love”, as the apostle John teaches.

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

359. How do we attain beatitude?

563. How does the Church pray to Mary?

513. What is the meaning of work?

261. Is Baptism necessary for salvation?

552. How can adoration be defined?

77. What other consequences derive from original sin?

229. Why are the sacraments efficacious?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

What are 5 important lessons about wisdom found in Baruch 3:9-12?

What is the importance of persevering in the faith, according to 2 John 1:8?

Manna in the Wilderness: How did God provide manna for his people in the desert and what does this teach us about providing it? (Exodus 16)

The Tower of Babel: What Does This Story Teach Us About God’s Sovereignty? (Genesis 11:1-9)

God’s Holiness and the Call to Holiness: What Does the Book of Leviticus Teach Us About God’s Holiness and Our Responsibility to Be Holy? (Leviticus 11:44-45; 19:2)

The Holiness of the Priesthood: How does the law of priestly holiness in the book of Numbers teach us about the importance of purity and dedication in the worship of God? (Numbers 18:1-7)

The Woman and the Dragon: The Struggle Between Good and Evil (Revelation 12:1-17)