230. Even when he reveals himself, God remains a mystery beyond words: “If you understood him, it would not be God” (St. Augustine, Sermo 52, 6, 16: PL 38, 360 and Sermo 117, 3, 5: PL 38, 663).
Aprofunde seus conhecimentos
44. What is the central mystery of Christian faith and life?
598. What is the meaning of the final Amen?
133. How does the Lord Jesus now reign?
394. How are sins distinguished according to their gravity?
566. What places are conducive to prayer?
304. Which sins must be confessed?
125. What is the “hell” into which Jesus descended?
Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:
What does Titus 2:7-8 teach about the standard of conduct for the church?
What does Hosea 7:14-16 reveal about God’s judgment against hypocrisy?
What is the importance of faith in the healing of blind Bartimaeus, described in Matthew 20:29-34?
What is the importance of being faithful to sound doctrine?
How can wisdom protect us from evil, as revealed in Wisdom 7:28-29?