Paragraph 235

235. This paragraph expounds briefly (I) how the mystery of the Blessed Trinity was revealed, (II) how the Church has articulated the doctrine of the faith regarding this mystery, and (III) how, by the divine missions of the Son and the Holy Spirit, God the Father fulfils the “plan of his loving goodness” of creation, redemption and sanctification.

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

422. What is justification?

587. What is the structure of the Lord’s Prayer?

214. In what does the final judgment consist?

271. What is the Eucharist?

490. What are the means that aid the living of chastity?

512. What would be opposed to the social doctrine of the Church?

462. Are family bonds an absolute good?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

What is the importance of the parent-child relationship in the Christian family according to Ephesians 6:1-4?

What is the importance of faith in the Christian life, according to the Bible?

What is the importance of reading and studying God’s law and what example can we find in the story of Ezra?

How important is gratitude in the story of the healing of the ten lepers, described in Luke 17:11-19?

What is the meaning of Jude 1:4, which speaks of the condemnation of those who pervert the grace of God?

Manna in the Wilderness: How did God provide manna for his people in the desert and what does this teach us about providing it? (Exodus 16)

What is Amos’ criticism of superficial religion, and how does he highlight the importance of a genuine heart?