Paragraph 2787

2787. When we say “our” Father, we recognize first that all his promises of love announced by the prophets are fulfilled in the new and eternal covenant in his Christ: we have become “his” people and he is henceforth “our” God. This new relationship is the purely gratuitous gift of belonging to each other: we are to respond to “grace and truth” given us in Jesus Christ with love and faithfulness.45

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

89. How does the Church set forth the Mystery of the Incarnation?

157. Who is the Head of this body?

300. What is interior penance?

32. In what way is the faith of the Church one faith alone?

342. Are all obliged to get married?

539. What is the role of prayer in the mission of the prophets?

58. Why does God permit evil?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

How to deal with opposition to the truth of the Gospel?

What does Baruch 6:2-5 teach us about the danger of trusting ourselves instead of trusting God?

How to be generous and share with those in need?

What is the Final Judgment according to Joel 3:14-16?

What is the message of Nahum 1:7-8 about God’s faithfulness in the midst of chaos?

How important is Esther’s purpose and mission in Esther 4:14?

What does James 5:7-11 teach us about patience in times of suffering?