Paragraph 38

38. This is why man stands in need of being enlightened by God’s revelation, not only about those things that exceed his understanding, but also “about those religious and moral truths which of themselves are not beyond the grasp of human reason, so that even in the present condition of the human race, they can be known by all men with ease, with firm certainty and with no admixture of error”.

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

395. When does one commit a mortal sin?

416. In what does the natural moral law consist?

17. What is the relationship between Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium?

174. Why is the Church apostolic?

211. How can we help the souls being purified in purgatory?

1. What is the plan of God for man?

373. What does the dignity of the human person imply for the moral conscience?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

How can we flee the appearances of evil, as described in 1 Thessalonians 5:22?

The Beatitudes: Understanding Their Meaning and Importance (Matthew 5:3-11)

What is the message of redemption present in the book of Abdias, specifically in Abdias 1:17?

How does the conquest of Canaan in the book of Joshua demonstrate God’s faithfulness?

What does the testimony of John the Baptist in John 1:29 mean, and how important is this testimony for Christians?

Jacob’s Wrestle with God: What is the significance of this story for us today?

The Holiness of the Priesthood: How does the law of priestly holiness in the book of Numbers teach us about the importance of purity and dedication in the worship of God? (Numbers 18:1-7)