Paragraph 70

70. Beyond the witness to himself that God gives in created things, he manifested himself to our first parents, spoke to them and, after the fall, promised them salvation (cf Gen 3:15) and offered them his covenant.

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

421. Where does one find the New Law?

512. What would be opposed to the social doctrine of the Church?

145. What does the Spirit do in the Church?

173. In what sense is the Church missionary?

487. What responsibility do human persons have in regard to their own sexual identity?

318. How is this sacrament celebrated?

140. What does it mean that the Spirit “has spoken through the prophets”?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

Saul’s Character and the Consequences of His Choices: A Case Study in Leadership (1 Samuel 9-15)

What does “giving thanks in all circumstances” mean in 1 Thessalonians 5:18?

What can we learn about the theology of suffering from the story of Job described in Job 1:1-22?

How important is Esther’s purpose and mission in Esther 4:14?

What is the church’s role in promoting reconciliation according to Philemon 1:6?

Why does the Bible warn us about the need to avoid envy and jealousy, as mentioned in Proverbs 14:30, and how can we apply this teaching in our lives?

God’s Law and Justice: Exploring Their Relationship (Deuteronomy 16:18-20)