Daily Gospel – Thursday, January 30, 2025 – Mark 4,21-25 – Catholic Bible

First Reading (Hebrews 10,19-25).

Reading of the Letter to the Hebrews.

Therefore, brothers, we have full freedom to enter the Sanctuary, through the blood of Jesus. He opened a new and living path for us, through the curtain, that is, through his humanity. We have a great priest appointed over the house of God. Let us therefore approach with a sincere heart full of faith, with a heart purified from every evil conscience and with a body washed with pure water. Without discouragement, let us continue to affirm our hope, because he who made the promise is faithful. Let us be attentive to one another, to encourage us towards charity and good works. Let us not abandon our assemblies, as some tend to do. Rather, let us try to encourage each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.

– Word of the Lord.

– Thank God.

Gospel (Mark 4,21-25).

Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark.

— Glory to you, Lord.

At that time, Jesus said to the crowd: “Who brings a lamp and puts it under a box, or under a bed? On the contrary, does he not put it on a lampstand? Thus, everything that is hidden must become manifest , and everything that is secret must be discovered. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” Jesus also said: “Pay attention to what you hear: with the same measure with which you measure, you will also be measured; and even more will be given to you. Whoever has something will be given even more; from what he does not have, it will be taken away even even what he has.”

— Word of Salvation.

— Glory to you, Lord.

Reflecting the Word of God

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, what a joy it is to be gathered together in this celebration, seeking the word of God to illuminate our hearts and strengthen us in our journey of faith! Today, we are invited to reflect on two very profound passages, which tell us about the light of faith that illuminates our path and our responsibility as Christians to shine this light in the world. The author of the Letter to the Hebrews and the Lord Jesus himself, in the Gospel of Mark, offer us precious teachings that can transform our lives.

I want to start our reflection with an image: imagine a candle, lit, in a dark place. What happens when the light from this candle spreads? It not only illuminates the place you are in, but also reflects on everything around you, creating soft shadows and spreading heat. In a similar way, the faith we have in Jesus is like that light, which should not be hidden, but rather shared and spread to illuminate the darkness of the world.

In the first reading, the author of the Letter to the Hebrews tells us about the confidence and boldness we must have when approaching God. He reminds us that through Christ we have a new and living way to the Lord: “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holy of Holies through the blood of Jesus.” What does this mean for us? It means that through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we who were distant have been reconciled with God. We no longer need human mediators, sacrifices or complicated rituals to get closer to God. Through Christ, we have direct access to the Father, and it is with this confidence that we must approach Him in prayer and worship.

The word “boldness” is important here. Boldness is not arrogance, it is not presumption, but it is the full confidence that, through Christ, we are beloved children of God. We are invited to enter the presence of God with courage and an open heart, knowing that He welcomes us with love. And this access to God is an immense gift, an invitation to a personal relationship with Him. We must not waste this opportunity.

The author of Hebrews also calls us to perseverance, reminding us that, as we approach God, we must keep our hope firm, without wavering, for “He who made the promise is faithful.” In other words, if God made promises, He will fulfill them. The confidence we have in His promises gives us strength to persevere in times of difficulty. Even when circumstances are challenging, even when life tests us, we can maintain our faith because we know that God is faithful and keeps His word.

Furthermore, the author exhorts us to “consider one another to encourage one another to love and good works.” The Christian community is called to be a place where we support each other, where we encourage each other in faith, where we help each other live the commandments of Christ. This is not optional, but an essential part of our journey. We are not called to live our faith alone, but in communion with others, building each other up.

Now, let’s go to the Gospel of Mark, where Jesus tells us about light. He says: “The lamp is not put under a bushel, nor under the bed, but on a lampstand, that it may give light to those in the house.” The light of our faith, which we receive from God, is not something to be kept to ourselves, but must be shared. The light cannot be hidden. If the faith we have in Christ is true, it must shine and radiate around us, affecting the people we interact with, the communities we participate in, and even the world.

Interestingly, Jesus also warns us: “For with what measure you measure, it will also be measured to you.” This teaches us that by sharing the light of our faith, we are not only enlightening others, but also allowing ourselves to be enlightened. Our faith is not something selfish; it grows and strengthens as we share it. The more we give, the more we receive. If we measure faith, hope and love generously, God will also measure us abundantly.

In the context of our daily lives, this word from Jesus is an invitation to reflect on how we are living our faith. Are we like a lit lamp, which must be placed in a visible place, to illuminate the environment around us? Or are we trying to hide our light, afraid it will reveal what’s inside us? Jesus calls us to be light in the world, to shine in our attitudes, in our words and in everything we do. The way we treat others, how we live our relationships, how we behave at work or at home: all of this must be a reflection of the light of Christ in us.

Today, we are faced with an invitation to live our faith boldly and generously. Boldness to approach God with confidence, knowing that He is always available to listen and welcome us. Boldness to be witnesses of His light in the world, not hiding the faith we have received, but putting it in evidence so that others can be enlightened too. We are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, as Jesus said.

And what does this mean in practical terms? How can we live this faith concretely in our daily lives?

First, we need to approach God in prayer, with confidence and courage, taking advantage of the path opened by Christ. Prayer is the key to our communion with God, and constant prayer keeps us connected to the source of our light.

Second, we must be intentional about sharing the light of our faith with others. This can be done through small acts of kindness, such as a smile for someone who is experiencing difficulties, or a gesture of help for a brother or sister in need. But it must also be done explicitly, through our courage to talk about Christ when the opportunity arises, to share the hope we have in Him, and to live a life that reflects Gospel values.

Finally, we must remember that our faith is a light that shines brighter the more we share it. Every act of love, of justice, of generosity that we perform, not only illuminates the world, but also strengthens our own faith and brings us closer to God.

Now, brothers and sisters, I invite you to reflect on the following: How can I be more bold in my faith? Where can I be most generous in sharing the light of Christ? What changes do I need to make so that the light of Christ shines more clearly in my life?

Let’s pray, asking the Lord to grant us the courage and strength to live our faith boldly and generously, so that we can be a light to others and bring His light to the world.

Lord Jesus, we praise You and thank You for Your word that enlightens us. We ask for the grace to live our faith with confidence and boldness, to share the light we receive from You generously, so that others may know Your love and Your truth. May Your light shine in us and through us. Amen.

May the peace of Christ be with you all. Amen.