How does the story of Rich and Lazarus warn us about the consequences of greed? (Luke 16:19-31)

Greed is one of the seven deadly sins and is defined as an excessive and selfish desire to acquire more wealth or resources than one needs or deserves. Unfortunately, greed is a common human trait and can lead to unhealthy behaviors and decisions for ourselves and others around us. The story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, told by Jesus in Luke 16:19-31, is a parable that warns about the consequences of greed and the importance of being compassionate and generous to those in need.

What is the story of Rico and Lázaro? The story begins with a description of a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who lived luxuriously every day. At his door was a beggar named Lazarus, who was covered with sores and longed to eat the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Although the beggar was in dire need, the rich man showed no compassion for him.

Eventually they both died, and Lazarus was taken by the angels to heaven while the rich man went to hell. In hell, the rich man suffered torments and saw Lazarus in heaven. He asked that Lazarus be sent to bring him water and refresh him, but was informed that this would not be possible, as there was a great chasm between them.

The rich man then asked that Lazarus be sent to warn his brothers of the fate that awaited them if they continued to live their lives selfishly and without caring about those in need. But he was again informed that if his brothers did not believe in the prophets who had spoken of this, neither would they believe in a dead man coming to life.

What can we learn from the story of Rico and Lázaro? The story of Rich and Lazarus warns us about the consequences of greed and the importance of helping those in need. Here are some important lessons we can draw from this parable:

  1. Greed can keep us from being compassionate and generous to those in need around us. The rich man in the story was rich in material possessions but impoverished in compassion. He showed no regard for the needy beggar at his doorstep and instead lived a luxurious and selfish life.
  2. The story reminds us that there are consequences to our choices and behaviors. Although the rich man lived in luxury in his earthly life, he ended up in hell, while Lazarus, who suffered a lot in his life, was taken to heaven. It shows that what we do in this life can have a significant impact on our eternal destiny.
  3. The story also highlights the importance of helping those in need and being compassionate to others. Although the rich man got what he deserved, he still tried to ask Lazarus for help. If he had shown compassion earlier, perhaps his situation would have been different. On the other hand, Lazarus was taken to heaven because of his patience and humility despite his difficult situation in earthly life.
  4. The story also alerts us to the importance of listening to the Word of God and following its teachings. The rich man asked that Lazarus be sent to warn his brothers, but he was told that they would not believe even a dead man could come back to life. This shows the importance of listening to and following God’s teachings while we are still alive.

How can we apply these lessons in our everyday lives? The story of Rich Man and Lazarus is a powerful lesson in the consequences of greed and the importance of helping those in need. Here are some ways we can apply these lessons in our everyday lives:

  1. Be compassionate and generous to those in need around you. Don’t just focus on your own interests and needs, but be attentive to the needs of others and offer help when possible.
  2. Remember that the choices we make in this life can have a significant impact on our eternal destiny. Focus on living a virtuous life and following God’s teachings.
  3. Be grateful for what you have and don’t let greed get the better of you. Remember that true happiness does not come from material possessions, but from the satisfaction of helping others and following God’s will.
  4. Do not be indifferent to the teachings of God. Read the Bible regularly and be open to learning more about his will and ways.


The story of Rich Man and Lazarus is a powerful lesson in the consequences of greed and the importance of helping those in need. The story reminds us that our choices and behaviors in this life can have a significant impact on our eternal destiny and highlights the importance of following God’s teachings and being compassionate and generous to others. We hope this article has helped to illustrate the lessons of this parable and encourage you to apply them in your everyday life.

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