
– Bad thoughts:

Gen 8:21 : I will no longer curse the ground because of man – because the thoughts of his heart are evil.

Pr 6,16ss : Six things the Lord hates and a seventh which is an abomination to him.

Pr 15:26 : The plans of the perfidious are an abomination to the Lord, but kind words are pure.

Wis 1,3 : Indeed, crooked thoughts lead away from God.

Zech 8,17 : Do not devise evil in your hearts against your neighbor.

Mt 15:19 : Because evil thoughts come from the heart.

Acts 8:22 : Pray to God that, if possible, this thought in your heart may be forgiven you.

Jas 2 :4 : Is it not true that you make distinctions among yourselves, and that you are judges of unrighteous thoughts?