402. What is the relationship between the person and society?

The humanpersonis and ought to be the principle, the subject and the end of all social institutions. Certain societies, such as the family and the civic community, are necessary for the human person. Also helpful are other associations on the national and international levels with due respect for the principle ofsubsidiarity.

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Paragraph 1881

1881. Each community is defined by its purpose and consequently obeys specific rules; but "the human person . . . is and ought to be the principle, the subject and the end of all social institutions."4

Paragraph 1882

1882. Certain societies, such as the family and the state, correspond more directly to the nature of man; they are necessary to him. To promote the participation of the greatest number in the life of a society, the creation of voluntary associations and institutions must be encouraged "on both national and international levels, which relate to economic and social goals, to cultural and recreational activities, to sport, to various professions, and to political affairs."5This "socialization" also expresses the natural tendency for human beings to associate with one another for the sake of attaining objectives that exceed individual capacities. It develops the qualities of the person, especially the sense of initiative and responsibility, and helps guarantee his rights.6

Paragraph 1892

1892. "The human person . . . is and ought to be the principle, the subject, and the object of every social organization" (GS 25 # 1).

Paragraph 1893

1893. Widespread participation in voluntary associations and institutions is to be encouraged.

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