Paragraph 317

317. God alone created the universe, freely, directly and without any help.

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

71. What relationship has God established between man and woman?

244. Does the Church need places in order to celebrate the liturgy?

482. What is required for earthly peace?

118. Why was the death of Jesus part of God’s plan?

379. What are the principal human virtues?

11. Why and in what way is divine revelation transmitted?

257. Who can receive Baptism?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

What does Titus 2:7-8 teach about the standard of conduct for the church?

What is the message of Abdias 1:11 about Edom’s injustice and oppression of the weak?

What do Daniel’s visions of the ram and the goat in Daniel 8 mean?

What does the mutual admiration between loved ones mean in the book of Songs?

What does the book of Hosea teach us about God’s unwavering love for his people?

How important is the Word of God in the Christian life according to 2 Timothy 3:16-17?

Why did God judge the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and what can we learn from this, according to Genesis 18:16-33 and 19:1-29?