Paragraph 1080

1080. From the very beginning God blessed all living beings, especially man and woman. the covenant with Noah and with all living things renewed this blessing of fruitfulness despite man’s sin which had brought a curse on the ground. But with Abraham, the divine blessing entered into human history which was moving toward death, to redirect it toward life, toward its source. By the faith of “the father of all believers,” who embraced the blessing, the history of salvation is inaugurated.

Aprofunde seus conhecimentos

342. Are all obliged to get married?

188. What is the vocation of the lay faithful?

577. What is the prayer of the Hour of Jesus?

103. What does the Gospel teach about the mysteries of the birth and infancy of Jesus?

285. How long does the presence of Christ last in the Eucharist?

468. What is the purpose of punishment?

511. How should social and economic life be pursued?

Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:

How was the defeat of the Maccabees at the Battle of Elasa described in 1 Maccabees 6:17-47?

What is the role of the law in the Old Testament, according to Galatians 3:10-14?

What does God’s sovereignty mean in Isaiah, and how does it ensure safety and protection for his people?

How did Solomon become the wisest king who ever lived? An analysis of 1 Kings 3.

What is the alliance with the Romans and the continuation of the struggle for independence mentioned in 2 Maccabees 11:1-38?

What are Daniel’s visions of the golden image and the four beasts?

What is Abraham’s example of faith, and what can we learn from him? (Hebrews 11:8-12)