1185. The gathering of the People of God begins with Baptism; a church must have a place for the celebration of Baptism (baptistry) and for fostering remembrance of the baptismal promises (holy water font).
The renewal of the baptismal life requires penance. A church, then, must lend itself to the expression of repentance and the reception of forgiveness, which requires an appropriate place to receive penitents.
A church must also be a space that invites us to the recollection and silent prayer that extend and internalize the great prayer of the Eucharist.
Aprofunde seus conhecimentos
112. What is the importance of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus?
563. How does the Church pray to Mary?
40. Why is the revelation of God’s name important?
149. What is the origin and the fulfillment of the Church?
131. What is the saving meaning of the Resurrection?
53. Why was the world created?
72. What was the original condition of the human person according to the plan of God?
Acesse nossos estudos biblicos:
What is the true nature of evil, according to the story of Job described in Job 2:1-13?
How Obedience to God Can Lead to Victory: An Analysis of the Siege of Jericho (Joshua 6)?
What is the significance of Christ being the Head of Creation, as mentioned in Colossians 1:15-17?
What are Daniel’s visions of the golden image and the four beasts?