465. The first heresies denied not so much Christ’s divinity as his true humanity (Gnostic Docetism). From apostolic times the Christian faith has insisted on the true incarnation of God’s Son “come in the flesh”. But already in the third century, the Church in a council at Antioch had to affirm against Paul of Samosata that Jesus Christ is Son of God by nature and not by adoption. the first ecumenical council of Nicaea in 325 confessed in its Creed that the Son of God is “begotten, not made, of the same substance (homoousios) as the Father”, and condemned Arius, who had affirmed that the Son of God “came to be from things that were not” and that he was “from another substance” than that of the Father.
Aprofunde seus conhecimentos
459. What are the duties of children toward their parents?
457. What place does the family occupy in society?
451. How did Jesus act in regard to the Sabbath?
486. What must be done to avoid war?
125. What is the “hell” into which Jesus descended?
371. Are the passions morally good or bad?
144. What happened at Pentecost?
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What does the Bible teach us about wisdom as a gift from God?
What is the significance of the founding of the church in Ephesus described in Acts 19:1-10?
What does it mean to choose godliness over the flesh, according to 1 Peter 4:1-6?
Joseph’s story: How did God use Joseph’s story to fulfill his purposes?
How can Christ’s return be a comfort in the midst of pain, according to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18?
How important is community in the midst of suffering, according to Job 42:10-11?
How can faith influence Christian behavior according to 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12?