How to deal with conflicts and disagreements between brothers: the example of Joseph’s children (Joshua 17-19)?

Conflicts between siblings are common and can be difficult to resolve. In the book of Joshua, chapters 17 to 19, we find an example of how to deal with these conflicts. The land of Canaan was divided among the tribes of Israel and the tribe of Joseph, which included his sons Ephraim and Manasseh, received a large portion of the land. However, Joseph’s children were dissatisfied and felt that they received less than they deserved. Rather than confront their brothers or fight for more land, they approached Joshua, who listened to their concerns and provided them with a solution.

The first thing Joseph’s sons did was to recognize their dissatisfaction and bring it to light. They didn’t keep their feelings hidden or isolate themselves, but instead spoke to their leader and sought help in resolving the issue. Then Joshua listened to their problems and took steps to help them. Rather than ignoring or downplaying them, he took the concerns of Joseph’s children seriously and worked to find a solution that would benefit everyone.

In the end, Joshua suggested that they expand their territory by conquering more land and becoming a large tribe. Joseph’s sons accepted this solution and worked together to achieve this goal. They didn’t get involved in fights or hard feelings, but worked together as a team to achieve their common goals.

This example teaches us that when there are conflicts between siblings, it is important to talk about them and seek help. Ignoring or downplaying issues will only lead to greater resentment and division. Instead, we should follow the example of Joseph’s sons and work together to find solutions that benefit everyone. In addition, we must be willing to forgive each other and put aside differences, always seeking unity and harmony.

“So, with God’s help, Manasseh and Ephraim conquered more land. But the border of Ephraim’s territory included many cities that lay between the cities of Manasseh. So the tribe of Ephraim took the central part of the land of Canaan. As the Israelites drove out the Canaanites, the leaders of the tribes gathered at Shiloh, and God showed them how to divide the land.” (Joshua 17:14-15, CEV)

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